For every hour I am parted from you
Oh how my heart will be grieving
And each night I lie all alone in my bed
Its only myself I’m deceiving
For love cannot conquer the pain that I feel
And time cannnot ease all the heart ache
It is only the taste of your kisses so sweet
That can make life worth living for my sake
No bird in the forest nor beast in the field
Can know of the joy you are bringing
Your beauty is all in this world that I need
When I’m with you my heart will be singing
I’ll count every moment while you are away
And savor the sweet taste of sorrow
That your parting kiss has bestowed on my lips
And I’ll pray that I’ll see you tomorrow
I’d sail every ocean to see you again
I’d instantly brave any danger
I’d roam through the world for one night in your arms
For I cannot abide being a stranger
So come back my love on the turn of the tide
And promise no more you’ll be leaving
For one kiss is all I require from your lips
To inherit the garden of Eden
For every hour I am parted from you
Oh how my heart will be grieving
And each night I lie all alone in my bed
Its only myself I’m deceiving
For Love cannot conquer the pain that I feel
And Time can’t reduce all the heart ache
It is only the taste of your kisses so sweet
That can make life worth living for my sake
Words and Music, Robbie O’Connell © 2000
Slievenamon Music (BMI)